What We Do
C.R.F Programs and Activities

Our Programs
We operate a multipurpose charity governed by an active volunteer Board of Directors, including three of the organization’s founders.
We engage in a variety of programs to meet the needs of those we target and serve.
Our activities include:
• Educational assistance directly through us or by providing application assistance to obtain it from other institutions / schools or groups (scholarships, tuition free schooling at foreign school, school materials and feeding of students)
• Agriculture
• Water and sanitation
• Peace building and conflict resolution
• Emergency Relief Services
• Other Special programs and activities that help better the lives the people who leave in the communities in which we operate.
Our multi-use facility makes us unique from other Organizations and allows us to play an even more vital role in our society”.
What We Do
Our Aims & Objectives
The Aims and Objectives of CRF includes but not limited to:
• To safeguard and provide for the well-being of children and orphans in need, more particularly, those who are marginalized, deprived of education; suffering from malnutrition and other illnesses;
• To identify the homeless and the destitute and facilitate their relocation in appropriate areas or communities by rendering services or assistance including, provision for shelter homes, setting up of educational, research and training institutions, etc., to the aforesaid class of persons and other persons, as may be necessary from time to time for the betterment of society;
• To provide medical assistance to the old aged and empower the differently abled with needed appliances to take such other measures to ensure their social well-being;
• To provide vocational training and employment opportunities and other rehabilitation measures that are necessary to ensure a self-sustained living condition for less fortunate youths;
• To provide help under health & nutrition services for children and women;
• Provide scholarship/Financial help to poor rural/village people for their overall development;
• To undertake emergency relief services and any other work or assignment which may be for the general welfare of less fortunate people;
• To raise funds and relief materials through collection, donation or subscription and other means and invest money or incur expenditure in such manner as shall promote the attainment of the aims and objectives of CRF;
• To identify the beggars and impress upon them the significance of dignified living and persuade them to take up an alternative livelihood and to take such measures so as to equip them in attaining such means of living.
Get Involved
We all need help at one point in Life or Another. Please Consider playing your part in lending a helping hand to the Less Privileged

Volunteer Your Time, Skill, Expertise or Labour
You are welcome to work with us voluntarily, your gift of service will be greatly appreciated.

Donate Money, Food items, Vehicles or Health Products
The secret of happiness is helping other, your donation will be greatly appreciated
The Story So Far.....
Images from Our Activities
We play our small part to make sure that orphans, less privileged individuals like the blind, lame, deaf and people that have health issues such like people living with HIV virus are taking care of. Below are few photos from our gallery